Monday, April 13, 2020


Hello there! I'm glad you've found this little blog. I created this blog to share my little adventures with you, so I hope you'll tag along.  I've already written a page about me that can be found on the "Meet Miss K" page, but if you haven't then here's a post for you. My name is Miss K and I'll be finishing up my junior year of high school soon, so if I don't post again until May, that would be why. There's a 89.37% chance it will happen.

I LOVE to read and I hope to incorporate books into this blog! I can often be found cuddling in a blanket reading a book, either for fun or for school. I can also be found researching new knowledge for my brain because history is one of my favorite subjects. Actually, I enjoy all my current subjects, so I don't really have a specific favorite. Yes, even chemistry and Pre calculus are quite interesting and fun at times! My other hobbies include crafting, creating letters and snail mail for my pen pals, playing my flute, and running in my barefoot shoes.

I will soon be doing a collaboration with my brother's art and my history, so stay tuned for that. I better get busy though because I've already fallen behind on those biographies. Sorry, Esteban!

-Miss K


  1. I've already viewed Esteban's art and can't wait to read the biographies!

    1. Spread the word about his blog because his art is AMAZING and deserves more followers! -Miss K
